Supporters, Partners, & Collaborators

To my partner Natalie & our son Graham, Mom & Dad, all my family and friends, and bike companies, my deepest gratitude for all your support.

1% of applicable proceeds for COMBA Trails

1% of all applicable profits go directly to COMBA and Colorado trails!

Did you also know you can give back to the trails every time you shop at King Soopers?

King Soopers will donate a percentage of your grocery spending to COMBA, and it's no additional cost to you. Just link your Shopper's Card to us, and then swipe it when you pay. It's super simple to set up and helps us out tremendously!

  1. Login or create a King Soopers or City Market account online and make sure you have an active Shoppers Card.

  2. Under 'My Account', navigate to 'Community Rewards'.

  3. Search for Colorado Mountain Bike Association by name or code CG086 and then click Enroll.

    That's it! Just make sure to enter your Shoppers Card number or swipe your card each time you check out. Take minute now to set this up and forever help fund our upcoming trail projects!

Not in Colorado? We contribute out-of-state transactions to the respective trail managers.

1% of all applicable profits go directly to Go4Graham to Shred The Stigma surrounding mental health.

Additional Supporters